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Have you heard of propolis? Have you heard about all the claims that this substance can cure a lot of diseases currently suffered by many people in the modern world. Do you know anything about it at all?
This article will equip you with the truth about propolis in only 5 short minutes.
What Is Propolis?
To make things simple, you can think of propolis as bee's medicine. If we use all sorts of drugs for our ailment, bees use propolis for theirs. The only difference is bees took propolis from trees and use it as an internal coat for their hives. Once their bodies brush against the hive's wall, they become immunized and sterilized.
Why Do People Use Propolis?
Actually people have been using propolis not only as a way of treatment but also for their daily lives. In Africa, it is used as to patch holes in boats or roofs. Master violin makers have also used it as a sort of varnish for their premium violins.
However, one of the most famous use of propolis is as medicine. It is used to treat all sorts of medical condition up to the stage propolis is hailed as some sort of wonder drug.
The truth is, propolis extract is an effective substance against viruses, germs and bacteria. However that does not mean it can cure all health problems as many propolis loyalist would suggest.
Does It Work?
At the moment, we can safely say yes, it works. However, it has only been shown and proven effective as a dental treatment and to improve body's immune system.
Studies have also been done on the effect of propolis on cancer, fertility, HIV and as a complement to antibiotics. Although the results have been promising, the number of studies done on the subject is too small to suggest a direct positive relationship of propolis and the diseases being studied.
Who Should Use Propolis?
Propolis is a safe substance for most people. Those who are looking for a safe substance to improve their immune system should try propolis as a natural alternative to modern drugs.
However, one should always consult a doctor before using this bee substance. The reason is simple - allergies.
Some people may be allergic to propolis and other bee products. The best bet is to consult your doctor and check if you are allergic against it. Failure to do so will result in swollen faces, rashes and other unwanted side effects.
Where Can You Find More Information.
The best source of information are medical journals. These are the best, unbiased and most trusted source you could ever find on propolis. In the internet, I would suggest you go to Google Scholar to find such papers.
I urge you to get more knowledge from the Idiot's Guide to Propolis. It's full of information on propolis side effects, propolis benefits and also outline propolis' use throughout history. Drop by and check it for yourself. It's all FREE!


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Propolis or bee medicine was a medical rage in the last few years. Some people claimed that it does wonders but others believe it is just another snake oil's medicine used by some con men to trick the public.
The problem about propolis is information. The amount of reliable information on the subject is so scarce it is so hard to judge whether the substance is worth your money or not.
This article will try to help you find the truth about propolis benefits. It will try to answer the big question. Does it have any medical benefits?
The most reliable piece of information would be medical literature. So let's skip books, magazine articles and newspaper reports. Let us go straight to the most important, trustworthy source of information on the subject - medical journals.
Upon checking some medical literature, it is not hard to see that propolis seemed to be an important subject only in certain parts of the world. Most research done are from China, Brazil, Middle East and Russia. The number of medical journals on propolis by Western researchers are incomparable to the other parts of the world.
However, that should not dissuade us from finding the truth about propolis. What we need to know is just whether it has any real medical benefits. we just want to know if it is just a useless part of the beehive or a substance that could be used to treat humans as much as it has been used to treat the bees.
From these literatures, we can only made two confirmed claims.
One is it is beneficial in treating dental problems. In fact, doctors have actually been using propolis solution as a standard liquid in dental surgeries. The solution is considered natural, safe and a valuable secondary treatment to treat gum diseases or wounds. A few studies done have shown that propolis help reduce the number of days needed for a wound to heal. That is one truth about propolis.
The second reliable and confirmed truth about propolis is the fact that it is an effective antibiotic. A study done in Australia has actually shown propolis to be multiplying the effectiveness of antibiotic by up to 100 folds. This study paved a way for more studies on the probability of combining propolis with antibiotics in the near future. This will help reduce the number of side effects associated with antibiotics since a smaller dose of antibiotic can be used alongside propolis to achieve the same effect.
Apart from these two benefits of propolis, there are a few more that warrant our attention. However, the number of research done on the effect of propolis on other diseases is still considered small to warrant our attention.
That are the two simple truth about propolis. It is not a snake's oil like some claimed. And it is also not a wonder drug some health maniac want us to believe. It simply is a substance worth studying more for the benefit of the masses in the near future.
There are a few more propolis benefits for the public. If you need to know more, head on to the Propolis Center. Make sure you also check the page on propolis side effects. You do not want a swollen face just because you neglect to read that part.


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The Study

Four patients, a 36 year old male and 3 females (42, 46, 51 years) with dental calculus, gingivitis, oedema, bleeding, gingival recession, pocket depths, attachment loss, suppuration, tooth mobility and alveolar bone loss were treated using Brazilian propolis gel treatment .
At the same time, dental brushing and mouth washing with propolis solution daily was also carried out through during their 5 weeks treatment.
The results shown a regression of 95% gingivitis and suppuration in all the teeth irrigated with Brazilian propolis, as well as a pocket depths reduction in all unsubmitted and submitted teeth.

The Conclusion

The results suggested that 10% Brazilian Propolis gel could be used as an alternative therapeutic method for the treatment of chronic teeth problems. However, further research with greater number of test subjects are needed before propolis can be established as an alternative approach for peridontal infectious conditions.
Researchers: Renata Cairo do Amaral, Rafael Tomaz Gomes, Wellington Márcio Santos Rocha, Sheila Lemos Rago Abreu, Vagner Rodrigues Santos.
Laboratory of Microbiology and Biomaterials, School of Dentistry, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.


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In order to see the health benefits of this bee product, we dug scientific journals. Let’s see how modern medical science conforms with ancient folk wisdom.

Improving Immune System

Professor S. Scheller, the head of a team of four doctors at the Institute for Microbiology at the Medical Academy in Poland found that propolis is able to stimulate the immune system.
It works by increasing the formation of antibodies to build our body resistance to diseases and by stimulating our body to release chemicals that protects us from cellular deterioration.
He also concluded that other benefits include improved physical, intellectual and sexual performance as well as making injured tissue heal faster.
The study also concluded that propolis is not a toxic substance.

Treat Burns

It can also be used in treating second degree burns. Research showed that propolis cream gave about the same result as normally prescribed cream.
But it also has another added benefit. It reduces inflammation of the burnt skin.
Believed to be a result of a substance called arginine, other studies have also supported this finding.
These studies have also concluded that propolis also stimulates enzyme systems, cell metabolism, circulation and collagen formation.

Increase Fertility

One isolated study had tested the benefit of propolis on women with infertility and endometriosis. The study indicated that consumption of 500mg of the substance twice daily resulted in pregnancy rate of 60% as opposed to 20% for women not given propolis.

Potential Cancer Drug

A report published in the Cancer Research (Sep 15,93;53 1482-88) stated that caffeic acids in propolis might help prevent colon cancer.
The study expose rats to cancer chemical agents and study the effects of rats given propolis and those without the propolis diet. It found that caffeic acids in the bee product prevented the formation of pre cancerous tissues in rats.
Another study done in 1990 had also reported that propolis acted against ovary cancer in hamster and sarcoma-type tumors in mice.
Read some studies done on propolis and it’s ability to fight cancer here.

Bowel Problems

This bee substance could also help patients suffering from inflammatory bowel problems — like Chron’s disease and ulceration colitis.
In June 2001, Dr. Ralph Golan in his article published in the Townsend Letters For Doctors reported that ulceration colitis was found to responde well to bee propolis therapy.



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Kesaksian Bapak Imam S. Kasiman dan Dwiko B.S tentang penggunaan Melia Biyang yang dapat anda juga rasakan bila anda menggunakan Melia Biyang tidak secara instan tapi hasilnya akan anda dapatkan seumur hidup dan berlangsung secara kontinu.

Imam S. Kasiman : Usia saya sudah 64 tahun, kegiatan saya sangatlah sibuk. Saya menggunakan Melia Biyang untuk meningkatkan vitalitas sebagai Executive dan sebagai Suami, Melia Biyang bisa diandalkan untuk itu. Kondisi tubuh saya selalu fit dan regenasi sel sudah mulai terlihat.

Dwiko B.S : Menggunakan Melia Biyang telah membuat saya menjadi rada kaget dan heran, kondisi saya selalu fit dan segar, tidur nyenyak, lemak tubuh menurun, vitalitas bertambah, dan luar biasanya uban saya berubah warna dengan terlihat berkurang. Gunakan Melia Biyang, rutin selama 6 bulan teratur, Anda akan kaget hasilnya..salam zuxez



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Melia biyang is ingredient experiences of that to stimulate Kelenjar Pituitary. Gland Pituitary is gland that produce Human Growth Hormon , hormone that good for slow down situation process that older than previously, by repair system body metabolism and cell regeneration. Human Growth Hormon  also can improve sexual activity, energy, stamina, and also improve body impenetrability.

Melia biyang haves content kolosium or that often conceived of milk early, vitamin b complex, and amino acid. Research shows patient age that so much old assumed old fellow can be growing young, suggested to use Human Growth Hormon at early stage when body still can produce Human Growth Hormon rather than await till Human Growth Hormon downhill we its rate of production.

With price reached you can have healthy body, fit and younger from that seen at this time, with BPOM RI: pom. Ti 054 616 861. Nothing to worry about of product Melia biyang because free from preservative and also not leave side effects.

1 bottles IDR  250.000
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 Explanation of the use and benefit from Melia Biyang:


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Melia biyang adalah ramuan alami yang berfungsi untuk merangsang Kelenjar Pituitary. Kelenjar Pituitary adalah kelenjar yang menghasilkan Human Growth Hormon (Hormon Pertumbuhan Manusia), hormon yang berguna untuk memperlambat proses penuaan, dengan cara perbaikan system metabolisme tubuh dan regenerasi sel. Human Growth Hormon (Hormon Pertumbuhan Manusia) juga dapat meningkatkan aktivitas seksual serta stamina, dan juga meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh.

Melia biyang memiliki kandungan kolosium atau yang sering disebut sebagai susu awal, vitamin b kompleks, dan asam amino. Penelitian menunjukkan umur pasien yang sekian lama dianggap orang tua dapat semakin muda, dianjurkan untuk menggunakan Human Growth Hormon (Hormon Pertumbuhan Manusia) pada tahap awal sewaktu tubuh masih mampu menghasilkan Human Growth Hormon (Hormon Pertumbuhan Manusia) dan bukannya menunggu sampai Human Growth Hormon (Hormon Pertumbuhan Manusia) kita menurun tingkat produksinya.

Dengan harga terjangkau anda dapat memiliki tubuh yang sehat, bugar dan lebih muda dari yang terlihat saat ini, dengan bersertifikat BPOM RI: pom. Ti 054 616 861. Tidak perlu cemas akan produk Melia biyang karena bebas dari bahan pengawet dan juga tidak meninggalkan efek samping.

Daftar Harga Melia Biayang : (Netto 15 ml)
Jumlah Botol Harga Potongan Harga Jual
1 Botol 250.000 - 250.000
2 Botol 500.000 100.000 400.000
4 Botol 1.000.000 300.000 700.000

Penjelasan mengenai pemakaian dan manfaat dari Melia Biyang:



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Propolis is produced by bees and is used as a construction material in bee hives. To protect the hive and its nutritious contents from attack by micro-organisms, propolis has anti-microbial properties. Propolis is comprised of a complex of chemicals (especially flavonoids), which play a role as antiviral and antibacterial agents.

Propolis for Herpes
When propolis was administered to various laboratory animals and to Vero cells in vitro (in laboratory cultures) significant inhibitory effects against HSV-1 were found. Propolis (5%) prevented development of symptoms of intraperitoneal HSV-1 infection in rats and corneal HSV-1 infection in rabbits.
In one study, 90 men and women with recurrent genital HSV2 were divided into two groups to compare the healing ability of propolis ointment versus acyclovir ointment and placebo. At day 10, 80 percent of patients in the propolis group had healed versus 47 percent in the acyclovir group and 40 percent in the placebo group.
Human trials as an internal anti-viral agent have not been done. Based on successful laboratory and animal studies, and successful use as a topical agent on herpes lesions, it is hypothesized that it may be beneficial as an oral anti-viral agent in humans as well.

Anti-Bacterial & Anti-Viral Properties of Propolis
The early research on propolis was mostly done in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Laboratory tests demonstrated that propolis on its own is effective against over 20 kinds of bacteria. Clinical studies also demonstrated that propolis was effective against various kinds of bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. Dr. Kravcuk of Kiev found that propolis was effective against sore throats and dry coughs in 90% of 260 patients. A recent study by Serkedjieva, et al, showed that the active ingredients in propolis significantly inhibited the Hong Kong flu virus. In a recent study, Egyptian researchers examined two types of propolis and found they exhibited antibacterial activity against the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli as well as the fungus candida albicans. In a March 2004 article in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, an herbal formula containing echinacea, propolis, and vitamin C was tested on 430 children in a double blind placebo controlled study. The group treated with the herbal formula a 55 percent reduction in the number of illness episodes compared with the placebo group. In treated children, the mean number of episodes per child was decreased by half and the mean number of days each child suffered from a fever was reduced by 62 percent.

The antibacterial properties of propolis appear to be due to multiple mechanisms. Propolis inhibits bacterial growth by preventing cell division. It also disorganizes bacterial cytoplasm, cell membranes, and cell walls. Propolis causes partial bacteriolysis and inhibits protein synthesis. In addition, propolis appears to enhance the effectiveness of antibiotics such as penicillin and streptomycin.

Propolis and Immune Enhancement
In addition to providing direct anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects, Propolis also stimulates the bodys immune system. Propolis significantly activates macrophages, which play an important role in infection prevention. In addition, it can significantly inhibit lipoxygenase activity, thereby inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis and producing anti-inflammatory effects.

Propolis in the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer
Propolis may also have value in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), one of the active ingredients in propolis, has been shown to prevent cancer formation in animal models. It also showed strong cancer inhibitory effects against several colon cancers, melanoma and glioblastoma. Propolis inhibits cancer cell growth by increasing the process of apoptosis (programmed cell death).

Propolis and Ulcers
Propolis has been reported to be effective in the treatment of Ulcers. In a clinical study involving 294 patients Dr. Franz K. Feiks, in Austria found that 90% of 108 ulcer patients given propolis were free of symptoms after two weeks, compared to only 55% of 186 conventionally treated patients. Dr. Feiks also noticed that 70% of the propolis group obtained relief in three days, compared to only 10% of the group receiving conventional medication.

Propolis Safety
No side effects have been reported for propolis. The LD50 (the dose causing half of the tested animals to die) for propolis is 7.34 g/Kg body weight in mice. Thats close to 50 gm of propolis for a 160 pound person. Propolis has also been reported to be non-irritating and safe for topical use.


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Yong Kun Park; Severino Matias de Alencar; Fabiana Fonseca de Moura & Masaharu Ikegaki.

The origin of the man’s knowledge on the nutritious, healing and prophylactic virtues of the products of the bees is plenty of curiosity and interest.

Practically all the ancient civilizations with their millenarian therapies knew and used the products of the bees as a valuable resource in its medicine. The histories of the medicine of the Chinese, Tibetan, Egyptian and Greco-Roman civilizations are also rich, containing in their old writings, hundreds of recipes based mainly on honey, Propolis, bee larvae and sometimes the own bees, to cure or to prevent illnesses. From the Hebraic Civilization, the Holly Bible, in some texts, exalts and ennobles the nutritious and medical properties of the honey. Some other texts refer to the Propolis as ” The balm of Gileade “, that was used to cure wounds, reaching high prices in the market of that time. In Japan, the use of the Propolis took a great pushing in 1985, after the accomplishment of XXX International Congress of APIMONDIA in the city of Nagoya. Nowadays, Japan is the principal consumer of Propolis.

In the last two decades it has been observed a major interest on the products of the species Apis Mellifera bees, as honey, royal jelly, apitoxin, pollen and Propolis. These products have been of great acceptance, mainly for its therapeutic properties, originating a new ramify of the alternative medicine, denominated Apitherapy. Among the several bee products, Propolis has been highlighted due to its several therapeutic and biological properties, mentioned in several scientific works, all over the world.

Propolis is a balm-resinous substance that possesses several consistence and coloration, varying from brown to dark green. Bees collect it from several parts of the plants as sprouts, floral buttons and resinous exudates, being transported inside of the beehive and modified by the bees through its own enzymes. This substance is used by the bees in the entrance of the beehives in order to close openings, to avoid the penetration of cold wind and, mainly to prevent from natural enemies (fungus and bacteriae), besides being used to embalm small dead animals, killed by the bees, which could not be removed, thus avoiding their rotting. Propolis is also used as a construction material inside the beehive, welding honeycombs, frames and polishing the interior of the alveoli for the queen to do the posture.

” Biological and/or Pharmacological Activities “
Some studies have been made, among the groups selected according to the methods described above, for the determination of the physiologic activity, such as anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral and anticancer.

The therapeutic properties of Propolis have been motivating isolation researches, identification of chemical compounds, and the possible relationship of these with its biological activity. The presence of several phenolic compounds explains, partly, the great variety of the biological and therapeutic properties told in the literature, mainly in the last 3 decades. In the figures 1 and 2, some biological and therapeutic properties described in the literature can be seen.

Antibiotic: The antibiotic activity, in vitro, of the Propolis was verified from several lineages Gram positive bacteriae (Bacillus brevis, B.polymyxa, B.pumilus, B. sphaericus, B. subtilis, Cellulomonas fimi, Nocardia globerula, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus faecalis) and Gram negatives (Aerobacter aerogenes, Alcaligenes sp., Bordetella bronchiseptica, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Serratia marcescens). Researches accomplished at our laboratory have been proving a high antibiotic strength, against certain bacteriae, like Staphylococcus aureus and Sptreptococcus mutans. Some of those Propolis samples presented high concentrations of the flavonoids galangine and pinocembrine, which are considered to be antimicrobial agents.

Anti-inflammatory Activity: Another biological activity attributed to the Propolis is related to its anti-inflammatory action. Several mechanisms are related to the inflammatory processes, resulting in problems as arthritis reumathoid and artrosis or even the formation of edemas and pain sensation. There are reports in the literature, of the usage with success, of ethanolic extracts of Propolis in laboratorial tests, in vitro and alive in. In several models in vitro, Propolis presented an inhibition of the plaquetary aggregation and of the eicosanoid synthesis, suggesting that it possesses a powerful anti-inflammatory activity. In experiments using guinea pigs was verified that the Propolis extracts presented a result comparable to the pattern commonly gotten, when using a drug like Diclofenac (Khayyal et al., 1993). Another work using ethanolic extract of Propolis was accomplished at our laboratory, where there were evaluated different concentrations of alcohol for the preparation of the extracts and its relationship with inhibition of an enzyme called hialuronidase, that is responsible for a lot of the inflammatory processes, presently known.   Propolis, in those tests was observed to inhibite, in a considerable way, the activity of this enzyme. The ideal concentration of ethanol, for the preparation of the extract that presented the largest inhibition was 80%.

Antioxidant activity: The oxidation of a certain material (as a piece of iron, fatty, or even human tissue) is related, mainly, to its degradation and/or deterioration. In the human body the oxidation is linked to the ageing process, mutation of the genetic material and of the degradation of the alive tissue. The responsible compositions for that malicious action are known as free radicals. In the nature, several substances fight those existing radicals, as the Vitamin C and the Vitamin E among others. Recently, Propolis has been studied as an alternative to combat that oxidation. Its chemical composition, formed essentially by phenolic compounds suggests us to believe that it is a product with great antioxidant strength, once those compositions are known as such. In laboratory, some studies showed that one of the compositions present in Propolis, known as CAPE, acts as an excellent antioxidant, thus inhibiting the formation of free radicals (Jaiswal et al., 1997). In our laboratory, studies were also carried out about the antioxidant activity of Propolis: the results were very satisfactory because Propolis inhibited the oxidation of a reaction mixture formed by b-carotene and linoleic acid, in almost 95%.

Anti-fungal: Some authors demonstrated that among other activities, Propolis has antimicotic action due to cynamic acid and a flavonoid named crisina. There are reports in the literature that a 50% Propolis ointment cured with no return, 97 of 110 patients with Kerion on the scalp. In addition, other authors verified that the ethanolic extract of Propolis has demonstrated an inhibitory activity on 17 dermatofite stumps, and also showed that Propolis formulation with propylene glycol was same or superior to the one of the antifungae medications against the mushrooms M. kennels, T. rubrum, T. mentagrophytes and Scopulariopsis. Ghaly et. al. (1998) verified recently that the ethanolic extract of Propolis at 3 and 4 grams per liter, reduced the germination percentage and the production of aflatoxin from mushroom Aspergillus flavus.

Anesthetic: There are in the literature several reports on the anesthetic effect of Propolis. Ghisalberti (1979) reports that Propolis extract was capable to produce a total anesthetic effect in corneas of rabbits. The ethanolic extract of Propolis (40g in 100 ml of ethanol 70%), was reported to be 3-5 times stronger than the cocaine used as an anesthetic, which was introduced in dental practice, in the old Soviet Union, in 1953.

Antiprotozoa: The antiprotozoa activity of the Propolis was confirmed in inflammations provoked by Trichomomas vaginalis (Scheller, 1977). Later on, the effect of the Propolis extract was verified on the growth, in vitro, of the protozoan Giardia lamblia, which presented an inhibitory effect of 98% (Towers et. al., 1990). Considering the perspectives of the Propolis and its anti-protozoan activity, there is a lot to study and to know about the Propolis.

Antiviral: The researches have been showing a positive effect of the Propolis on the virulence and the duplication of some virus lineages, such as: herpes, adeno virus, corona virus, and rota virus. Besides, the effect in vitro of the Propolis was already investigated on several viruses as herpes simplex types 1 and 2, mutant resistant to aciclovir, adenovirus type 2, virus of the vesicular estomatite and poliovirus type 2.

Anticancer: There are in the literature some works telling on anticancer activity of Propolis extracts. Compounds derived of cynamic acid and other, known as terpenoids showed good citotoxic activity. Our studies have been demonstrating that certain Propolis groups (among the 12 classified until the moment) obstructed the growth of cancerous cells in laboratory experiments. In this study, these 12 types of Propolis were placed in contact with different cancerous cells, of the intestine, kidney, sucks, nose and pharynx. After two weeks, enough time so that the cells reproduced and grew, ten samples had presented, in different degrees, not just inhibition of the growth, but partial destruction of the cells. The method of calculation of inhibition of tumors used in the study had, as comparison base, the results obtained by the drug Etoposide, the most powerful existing to combat the cancer. That method was developed by the National Institute of Cancer of the USA. When compared with the drug test, Etoposide, a pattern of different performance can be observed, suggesting, in that way, the existence of new citotoxic principles in the composition of the studied Propolis.


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Antioxidant in Substance from Honeybees May Protect Athletes from Overheating
A compound from honeybees known as propolis, the substance bees use to seal their hives, may protect against heat stress in athletes, according to an article in the Journal of Food Science, published by the Institute of Food Technologists.

Honeybee propolis, or bee glue, has been widely used as a folk medicine. An active ingredient in propolis known as caffeic acid phenethyl ester, or CAPE, has a broad spectrum of biological activities including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiviral.

Hyperthermia, or heat stress, is considered to be the main factor underlying the early fatigue and dehydration seen during prolonged exercise in the heat. “Since hyperthermia and free radical generation are related to exercise-induced physical damage, it is reasonable to test whether an antioxidant can prevent or reduce hyperthermia-induced free radical generation and damage,” says lead researcher Yu-Jen Chen of Chinese Culture University in Taiwan.

Researchers examined blood from 30 competitive cyclists who engaged in endurance training for two to four years prior to the investigation. None participated in any competitions or intensive training or had any clinical illness or medical or surgical treatments four months prior to the study.

“CAPE rescued mononuclear cells from hyperthermia-induced cell death,” writes Yu-Jen Chen. “This implies that CAPE might not only promote athletic performance but also prevent injury secondary to endurance-exercise-induced hyperthermia.” In addition, researchers indicated that further human studies need to be conducted to solidify their findings.


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Propolis is fluid experiences of that use bee to protect its den from bacterium and also virus, worker bee process propolis from various of materialses like leaf sprout, flora rubber, and skin variated flora like acacia and pine. propolis is complex mixture materials consist ofs night, resin, balsam, oil, and polen.

For bee useful propolis patch of den gaps, close hole, and sterilize den. Bee hive always up to scratch sterile blessing propolis. That is propolis desist growth and bacterium spreading, mushroom, and virus until disease are not disseminated and den remain to be sterile. Pest that wrapped with propolis even also become durabel and is not rotten cause propolis has the character of antibakteri.

From utilization by this bee experts starts make erudite research, process propolis are to consumed by human. Proven that propolis can improve body impenetrability so it's can heal many disease.

Tables above is remediable case load by propolis, and must reminded that better prevent from at cure. Propolis also can prevent incidence [of] many disease in body because propolis improves body durability in order not to easy attacked bacterium and virus. Usage Way foolproof propolis.

Only by drink it or dab propolis at sore skin can eliminate bacterium didalam body and top-drawer propolis not generates side effects because indigenous to materialses experiences of.

We will offer package propolis to you, with price reached you will get merit that will be direct your feel. Don't await till you will feel spike the guns next to keep in good health and your body fitness.

Licensed by  BPOM RI: pom. Ti 054 616 861

1 bottles IDR 100.000
3 bottles  IDR 280.000
7 bottles  IDR 650.000
 Netto 6 mls

Information and ordering contact
Lingga : 08999 17 87 44


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Propolis adalah cairan alami yang di gunakan lebah untuk melindungi sarangnya dari bakteri maupun virus, lebah pekerja mengolah propolis dari berbagai bahan seperti pucuk daun, getah tumbuhan, dan kulit beragam tumbuhan seperti akasia dan pinus. propolis merupakan bahan campuran kompleks terdiri atas malam, resin, balsam, minyak, dan polen.

Bagi lebah propolis bermanfaat menambal celah-celah sarang, menutup lubang, dan mensterilkan sarang. Sarang lebah selalu dalam kondisi steril berkat propolis. Dengan demikian propolis menghentikan pertumbuhan dan penyebaran bakteri, cendawan, dan virus sehingga penyakit tak tersebar dan sarang tetap steril. Hama yang dibungkus dengan propolis pun menjadi awet dan tak busuk lantaran propolis bersifat antibakteri.

Dari pemanfaatan oleh lebah inilah para ahli mulai membuat riset ilmiah, mengolah propolis agar dapat dikonsumsi oleh manusia. Terbukti bahwa propolis dapat meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh sehingga dapat menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit.

 Tabel diatas merupakan daftar penyakit yang dapat disembuhkan oleh propolis, dan perlu diingatkan bahwa lebih baik mencegah dari pada mengobati. Propolis juga dapat mencegah timbulnya berbagai macam penyakit di dalam tubuh karena propolis meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh agar tidak mudah terserang bakteri dan virus. Cara pemakaian propolis sangat mudah.

Hanya dengan meminumnya atau mengoleskan propolis pada kulit yang terluka dapat menghilangkan bakteri didalam tubuh dan yang paling penting propolis tidak menimbulkan efek samping karena berasal dari bahan-bahan alami.

Kami akan menawarkan paket propolis kepada anda, dengan harga terjangkau anda akan mendapatkan khasiat yang akan langsung anda rasakan. Jangan menunggu sampai anda merasa tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa lagi untuk menjaga kesehatan dan kebugaran tubuh anda.
Bersertifikat BPOM RI: pom. Ti 054 616 861

Daftar Harga Propolis : (Netto 6 ml)
Jumlah Botol Harga Potongan Harga Jual
1 Botol 100.000 - 100.000
3 Botol 300.000 20.000 280.000
7 Botol 700.000 50.000 650.000

Informasi dan pemesanan hubungi 
 Lingga : 08999 17 87 44