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Propolis is fluid experiences of that use bee to protect its den from bacterium and also virus, worker bee process propolis from various of materialses like leaf sprout, flora rubber, and skin variated flora like acacia and pine. propolis is complex mixture materials consist ofs night, resin, balsam, oil, and polen.

For bee useful propolis patch of den gaps, close hole, and sterilize den. Bee hive always up to scratch sterile blessing propolis. That is propolis desist growth and bacterium spreading, mushroom, and virus until disease are not disseminated and den remain to be sterile. Pest that wrapped with propolis even also become durabel and is not rotten cause propolis has the character of antibakteri.

From utilization by this bee experts starts make erudite research, process propolis are to consumed by human. Proven that propolis can improve body impenetrability so it's can heal many disease.

Tables above is remediable case load by propolis, and must reminded that better prevent from at cure. Propolis also can prevent incidence [of] many disease in body because propolis improves body durability in order not to easy attacked bacterium and virus. Usage Way foolproof propolis.

Only by drink it or dab propolis at sore skin can eliminate bacterium didalam body and top-drawer propolis not generates side effects because indigenous to materialses experiences of.

We will offer package propolis to you, with price reached you will get merit that will be direct your feel. Don't await till you will feel spike the guns next to keep in good health and your body fitness.

Licensed by  BPOM RI: pom. Ti 054 616 861

1 bottles IDR 100.000
3 bottles  IDR 280.000
7 bottles  IDR 650.000
 Netto 6 mls

Information and ordering contact
Lingga : 08999 17 87 44

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